Alma universitas studiorum parmensis A.D. 962 - Università di Parma Alma universitas studiorum parmensis A.D. 962 - Università di Parma

The Department has been selected by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research as a Department of Excellence and has been awarded a special ministerial funding for the five-year period 2018-2022.

The main scientific theme of the project is the study of complex systems, which involves important innovation challenges based on the centrality of molecules in biological systems, the development of new materials and devices, the interchange relationships between living and non-living components of the natural world and of the environments. Given the characteristics of this Department, this theme is naturally intertwined with that of sustainability.

Besides the impact on the scientific research, important effects are also envisaged on the social outreach (the so-called third mission) and on teaching (master degree and PhD programs).

•          Programs offered by the Department

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